How can I travel from Tokyo to the Chubu region?


To travel from Tokyo to the Chubu region by train, you can use the Shinkansen or conventional train lines, such as the Chuo Main Line, Tokaido Shinkansen, Yamanote Line, and Chuo Line.


To travel from Tokyo to various cities in the Chubu region, you can also use airplanes. Flights are available from Haneda Airport and Narita Airport to Chubu International Airport, Komatsu Airport, and Fukuoka Airport.


If you choose to use a car, you can take the Tomei Expressway, Chuo Expressway, Shin-Tomei Expressway, or the Hokuriku Expressway. However, traffic can be heavy and congested, so it is recommended to allow extra time for your journey.

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